Pipe Sleeve / Insert Sleeve for Internally Coated Carbon Steel Pipes
Relisleeve is an only Manufacturer of Insert Sleeve in India which is used for internal coated carbon steel pipes. Relisleeve manufacturers sleeve as per application and the end user requirement. Relisleeve have succesfully manufactured sleeves as per PDO specifications.

Internal Cement Lining for Steel Pipes
The technological process of internal cement lining assures anti- corrosion protection and stability of hydraulic parameters of pipe- lines for water and sewages and allows manufacturing products that meet all the requirements demanded by customers and international standards.

Internal Pipeline Coating
Internal Pipe Coatings have been designed to protect the internal surfaces of (steel) pipe against corrosion as well as provide flow enhancement. Internal diameter (ID) coatings are used to improve the flow of gas through the pipeline by creating a smooth defect free surface greatly increasing the flow of gas through the pipeline.

Insert Sleeve / Pipe Sleeve for Internally Coated Steel Pipes
The Sleeve is designed to isolate the portion of an internally coated pipe destroyed by the heat from the welding process. The Sleeve is the most simplistic and efficient method to provide positive corrosion protection in a traditionally troubled spot for all internally coated pipeline systems.
Technical Specification
This covers the coatings which are used for internal pipeline for ally types of Pipe Sleeves like , Carbon Steel Pipe / Insert Sleeve, Stainless Steel Pipe / Insert Sleeve, Cement Mortar Line Pipes etc.